5 Quick and Easy Gluten-Free Snacks for College Students

One of my biggest struggles when I first went gluten-free was finding quick and easy snack foods. I've always been a snacker, that didn't change when my diet did! It was so frustrating to go through my pantry and realize all my favorite snack foods were filled with gluten. I've spent years trying to find the perfect quick and easy snack foods that don't make me sick.

Another difficult thing about going gluten-free was the price point. My grocery bill doubled! That was simply not working for me as a poor college student. So I got to work. I decided I wanted budget-friendly snacks that didn't take hours to make.

If you want to learn more about why gluten-free food is so expensive and where to shop for cheaper gluten-free food, read this article.

Here are my 5 favorite quick and easy gluten-free snacks!

1. Chips and Dip

Corn chips are my personal favorite for this snack. They're so versatile! My favorite brand is Juanitas, they have so much flavor. The classic dip for a corn chip is salsa. Good news! Most salsa is gluten-free (just look at the label). This isn't the most portable snack, but it's very low effort. If you're looking for a more portable version, you can get single-serve hummus and guacamole at Costco.

This snack is so easy, I just always keep the ingredients in my pantry!

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2. Granola Bars

This one is tricky because a lot of granola bars have flour in them. If you don't have Celiac, you don't have to worry about foods being labeled "Gluten-Free." I've taken to just looking at the ingredients before I buy something. My favorite gluten-free granola bar is the crunchy Nature Valley one. It's never made me sick.

If you don't have access to budget-friendly granola bars you can eat, make your own! It's very easy. All you need is oats, honey, chocolate chips, cinnamon, peanut butter, salt, and vanilla. Here's the full recipe! Just put one in a plastic bag and you've got a snack on the go!

3. Popcorn

What a classic snack! So easy, so yummy, and so cheap too. When I know I'm going to be out all day but I'll have access to a microwave, I like to grab a microwave popcorn pack and stick it in my bag. You can also buy popcorn pre-popped. There are a ton of different flavors to choose from. What's great about popcorn is that it's super cheap and nearly always gluten-free (sometimes flavorings have gluten). I love popcorn, it's the perfect snack!

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4. Cheese

I know this is a little out there, but hear me out. Cheese is super good for you. It's budget-friendly and calorie-dense. To me, that's the best combination. This is best if you have some kind of insulated bag for on-the-go. Room temperature cheese is not the best.

There are so many different options for cheese on the go! My favorites are the little BabyBel cheeses. I love them because they're wrapped in wax, so there's less waste. A more budget-friendly option is regular string cheese. Who doesn't love string cheese? It's so easy and delicious.

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5. Chex

This honestly might be my most common snack. It's so easy! The only Chex with gluten is the wheat ones, so you don't have to worry about accidental gluten. Literally speaking, they're just grab-and-go. I usually have a bag of them in my backpack to snack on. If you're feeling fancier, you can get them flavored or add your own flavorings. My husband likes to fry them with butter and salt. I like adding cinnamon sugar. However you choose to eat them, they're a great quick and easy gluten-free snack.

Just because you're gluten-free, you shouldn't have to be snack-free too! I love snacks. These 5 quick and easy gluten-free snacks are my favorite go-tos. I highly recommend adding them to your grocery list. They won't break the bank!

Let me know in the comments what your favorite gluten-free snack is!
